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Παρακαλούμε συνδέσου στην Κοινότητά μας για να δηλώσεις τι σου αρέσει, να σχολιάσεις και να μοιραστείς με τους φίλους σου!
My Son with Spider-ManMy Son with Spider-Man 🤓🤓
কিছুক্ষন আগে খুব দামাদামি করলাম।।
বারিধারা তে বাড়ি বিক্রি হবে ১৮ কোটি টাকায়।।
আমি ১৫ কোটি পর্যন্ত বললাম।।
উনি বললেন ভাই পরে কিন্তু আফসোস করবেন। মাত্র এক কোটির জন্য কিনলেন না! ১৬ কোটি দারুন অফার ছিলো।।
আমি বললাম আপনিও ১৫ কোটিতে বিক্রি না করে পরে আফসোস করবেন। দারুন অফার ছিলো! তাও পুরাই ক্যাশ।
ভাববেন লক্ষ্মী কাস্টমার হাতছাড়া হয়ে গেলো!
ব্যাটা কিছুক্ষন আগে থেকে ফোন করা শুরু করেছে।। সে রাজি।। আমি আর ফোন ধরি না।। থাকুক ব্যাটা টেনশনে।।
এদিকে ক্রেডিট কার্ডের দুই হাজার টাকা দিতে পারছি না দেখে ওরা ফোন দিচ্ছে।।
সে আরেক টেনশন।। আমার টেনশন আরেকজনকে ট্রান্সফার করে দিলাম।
আমার দুই হাজার টাকার টেনশন ঐ ব্যাটার ১৫ কোটি টাকার টেনশন!
তবে নিচের বাড়িটা বিক্রি করা হবে।
দাম ৩ কোটি ৭০ লাখ
জমির পরিমাণ আড়াই কাঠা
পাঁচ তালা কমপ্লিট
২ ইউনিটের বাড়ি
গ্যাস পানি বিদ্যুৎ বৈধ
ভাড়া আসে ১ লক্ষ ৪০ হাজার টাকা রাস্তা বিশ ফিট
এই বাড়িটি হলো ঢাকা উত্তরা
আজমপুর রেল লাইনের পর
মুক্তিযোদ্ধা রোডে। ০১৬০৩৭২৮৭২২কিছুক্ষন আগে খুব দামাদামি করলাম।। বারিধারা তে বাড়ি বিক্রি হবে ১৮ কোটি টাকায়।। আমি ১৫ কোটি পর্যন্ত বললাম।। উনি বললেন ভাই পরে কিন্তু আফসোস করবেন। মাত্র এক কোটির জন্য কিনলেন না! ১৬ কোটি দারুন অফার ছিলো।। আমি বললাম আপনিও ১৫ কোটিতে বিক্রি না করে পরে আফসোস করবেন। দারুন অফার ছিলো! তাও পুরাই ক্যাশ। ভাববেন লক্ষ্মী কাস্টমার হাতছাড়া হয়ে গেলো! ব্যাটা কিছুক্ষন আগে থেকে ফোন করা শুরু করেছে।। সে রাজি।। আমি আর ফোন ধরি না।। থাকুক ব্যাটা টেনশনে।। এদিকে ক্রেডিট কার্ডের দুই হাজার টাকা দিতে পারছি না দেখে ওরা ফোন দিচ্ছে।। সে আরেক টেনশন।। আমার টেনশন আরেকজনকে ট্রান্সফার করে দিলাম। আমার দুই হাজার টাকার টেনশন ঐ ব্যাটার ১৫ কোটি টাকার টেনশন! ⬇️ তবে নিচের বাড়িটা বিক্রি করা হবে। ___________________________________ দাম ৩ কোটি ৭০ লাখ জমির পরিমাণ আড়াই কাঠা পাঁচ তালা কমপ্লিট ২ ইউনিটের বাড়ি গ্যাস পানি বিদ্যুৎ বৈধ ভাড়া আসে ১ লক্ষ ৪০ হাজার টাকা রাস্তা বিশ ফিট এই বাড়িটি হলো ঢাকা উত্তরা আজমপুর রেল লাইনের পর মুক্তিযোদ্ধা রোডে। 📞 ০১৬০৩৭২৮৭২২ -
সবাই বুঝবে না। ছোটবেলায় এটাই আমাদের বার্গার, রোল সব ছিলো
আহ্ কী সাদ্সবাই বুঝবে না। ছোটবেলায় এটাই আমাদের বার্গার, রোল সব ছিলো😋 আহ্ কী সাদ্😢 -
বিয়ের পরপরই বউ অনেকটা জোর করেই একটা প্লাস্টিকের ব্যাংক কিনিয়েছিল। বলেছিল প্রতিদিন অল্প হলেও যেন কিছু টাকা এই ব্যাংকে জমাই। আমি পাত্তা দেইনি খুব একটা। ভাবতাম এই ব্যাংকে আর কয় টাকাই বা জমবে। শুধু শুধু বাড়তি প্যারা। তবে বউয়ের সামনে এসব প্রকাশ করিনি। বউ কাছে থাকা অবস্থায় কিছু কিছু রাখতাম। এরপর বউ বাপের বাড়ি গিয়ে রইলো কয়েক মাস। তখন পুরোপুরিই টাকা জমানো বন্ধ ছিল। কিভাবে যেন বউ এই খবর জানতে পেরে একদিন ফোনে বকাঝকা করলো। তারপর থেকে যেদিন বাংলাবাজার যেতাম সেদিন বাসায় ফিরে কমপক্ষে দুইশত টাকা করে ব্যাংকে ফেলতাম। বউয়ের ঝাড়ি খাওয়ার পর থেকে বাংলাবাজার থেকে ফিরে কখনো টাকা রাখতে মিস হতো না। এরপর কিছুদিন ঝড়ঝাপটা গেল পরিবারের উপর দিয়ে। তাই এই সময়টুকুতে টাকা রাখা অফ ছিল। তারপর আবার রাখা শুরু করলাম। আজকে ব্যাংকের টাকা ফেলার ফাঁকটাতে চোখ লাগিয়ে দেখি ব্যাংক ভরে গেছে পুরোটাই। তাই আর দেরি না করে বাবা মা বউ সবাইকে একত্র করে ব্যাংক ভাঙলাম (আসলে কাটলাম আরকি)। ভেবেছিলাম হাজার দশেক হবে হয়তো। কিন্তু টাকা গুনে আমি পুরো অবাক। এতটুকু একটা ব্যাংকে ৩০ হাজারের উপরে যে জমতে পারে তা নিজ হাতে টাকা না গুনলে বিশ্বাসই করতাম না।
❝ ছোট ছোট বালুকণা বিন্দু বিন্দু জল, গড়ে তোলে মহাদেশ সাগর অতল। ❞
এই কথাটার মর্ম আজ ভালভাবে উপলব্ধি করতে পারছি। যাদের বড় ধরণের সেভিংস করার সামর্থ্য এখনো হয়নি তারা চাইলে ছোট একটা মাটির বা প্লাস্টিকের ব্যাংক কিনে দিনশেষে পকেটে থেকে যাওয়া খুচরা টাকাগুলোর একটা অংশ জমাতে পারেন।ব্যাংক ভরে গেলে টাকাগুলো গুনে আপনি নিজেই অবাক হবেন। এই জমানো টাকাগুলোই হয়তো বিপদে কাজে লাগবে আপনার।বিয়ের পরপরই বউ অনেকটা জোর করেই একটা প্লাস্টিকের ব্যাংক কিনিয়েছিল। বলেছিল প্রতিদিন অল্প হলেও যেন কিছু টাকা এই ব্যাংকে জমাই। আমি পাত্তা দেইনি খুব একটা। ভাবতাম এই ব্যাংকে আর কয় টাকাই বা জমবে। শুধু শুধু বাড়তি প্যারা। তবে বউয়ের সামনে এসব প্রকাশ করিনি। বউ কাছে থাকা অবস্থায় কিছু কিছু রাখতাম। এরপর বউ বাপের বাড়ি গিয়ে রইলো কয়েক মাস। তখন পুরোপুরিই টাকা জমানো বন্ধ ছিল। কিভাবে যেন বউ এই খবর জানতে পেরে একদিন ফোনে বকাঝকা করলো। তারপর থেকে যেদিন বাংলাবাজার যেতাম সেদিন বাসায় ফিরে কমপক্ষে দুইশত টাকা করে ব্যাংকে ফেলতাম। বউয়ের ঝাড়ি খাওয়ার পর থেকে বাংলাবাজার থেকে ফিরে কখনো টাকা রাখতে মিস হতো না। এরপর কিছুদিন ঝড়ঝাপটা গেল পরিবারের উপর দিয়ে। তাই এই সময়টুকুতে টাকা রাখা অফ ছিল। তারপর আবার রাখা শুরু করলাম। আজকে ব্যাংকের টাকা ফেলার ফাঁকটাতে চোখ লাগিয়ে দেখি ব্যাংক ভরে গেছে পুরোটাই। তাই আর দেরি না করে বাবা মা বউ সবাইকে একত্র করে ব্যাংক ভাঙলাম (আসলে কাটলাম আরকি)। ভেবেছিলাম হাজার দশেক হবে হয়তো। কিন্তু টাকা গুনে আমি পুরো অবাক। এতটুকু একটা ব্যাংকে ৩০ হাজারের উপরে যে জমতে পারে তা নিজ হাতে টাকা না গুনলে বিশ্বাসই করতাম না। ❝ ছোট ছোট বালুকণা বিন্দু বিন্দু জল, গড়ে তোলে মহাদেশ সাগর অতল। ❞ এই কথাটার মর্ম আজ ভালভাবে উপলব্ধি করতে পারছি। যাদের বড় ধরণের সেভিংস করার সামর্থ্য এখনো হয়নি তারা চাইলে ছোট একটা মাটির বা প্লাস্টিকের ব্যাংক কিনে দিনশেষে পকেটে থেকে যাওয়া খুচরা টাকাগুলোর একটা অংশ জমাতে পারেন।ব্যাংক ভরে গেলে টাকাগুলো গুনে আপনি নিজেই অবাক হবেন। এই জমানো টাকাগুলোই হয়তো বিপদে কাজে লাগবে আপনার। -
As we move into the final turn of the Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Ten Series of Structural Integration, hopefully we can observe where the work could flow too next. The Rolfing eighth- and ninth-hour sessions are typically viewed as a kind of two in one fascial session: Closure /Holism (8–9–10) 3D present time, dynamic and integrated.
Originally Dr. Rolf used only seven sessions for the recipe protocol, but sometime later it was observed that yet another round of three sessions was most advantages. The eighth hour will give a practitioner the chance to observe and assess the integration of the structure thus far and plan for a ninth hour session. Observation of the client walking helps decide if the upper girdle or lower girdle needs more movement, considering adaptability, rotational, and support issue.
The "Crest test" is advisable in considering the five structural components. In the Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth eighth hour the goal is to bring the structure to its next highest level of order. Relating shoulder girdle to LDH, LDH to pelvic girdle and how the movement is or is not continuous throughout the body. "Those beautiful changes you see in eight through ten are because you are dealing with the whole man. No longer a bunch of parts thrown into a heap and called a man, you are seeing a whole structure."- IPR.
Tilt and Shift in both girdles should be addressed. The Rolfing way to deal with decisions for eighth and ninth hours is to look at the obvious. Classically, whatever girdle was worked in eight the other would be worked in nine, so if you work the upper in eight you would bring the structure to its next higher level of order by working and integrating the work from previous hours with eight to strategize for the ninth. In eight you could work iliac crest with Q.L. and twelfth rib to create more length and span there. Work to resolve the lateral line relative to X, y, z working up to armpits and shoulders. Neck work seated back work, and pelvic lifts or pull will end the eighth hour.
The goal of the Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth ninth hour would be to Integrate and balance the structure, utilizing all potential left in the lower girdle. Resolution of work at the iliac crest, and Q.L. and the way it transitions down to the calcaneus is necessary. Integrate and feather work at hinges and horizontals from the feet to LDH. Close with some movement for further integration by standing in front and behind client and tracking, holding feet with the toes. Neck work with traction on Occiputs and feather the SCM in front. A pelvic lift is a terrific way to end.
Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, or Massage Therapy are not substitutes for an Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Ten Series.
John Barton | Certified Advanced Rolfer ® & Rolfing ® Fort Worth-Dallas |
Certified Rolf Movement ® Practitioner
As we move into the final turn of the Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Ten Series of Structural Integration, hopefully we can observe where the work could flow too next. The Rolfing eighth- and ninth-hour sessions are typically viewed as a kind of two in one fascial session: Closure /Holism (8–9–10) 3D present time, dynamic and integrated. Originally Dr. Rolf used only seven sessions for the recipe protocol, but sometime later it was observed that yet another round of three sessions was most advantages. The eighth hour will give a practitioner the chance to observe and assess the integration of the structure thus far and plan for a ninth hour session. Observation of the client walking helps decide if the upper girdle or lower girdle needs more movement, considering adaptability, rotational, and support issue. The "Crest test" is advisable in considering the five structural components. In the Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth eighth hour the goal is to bring the structure to its next highest level of order. Relating shoulder girdle to LDH, LDH to pelvic girdle and how the movement is or is not continuous throughout the body. "Those beautiful changes you see in eight through ten are because you are dealing with the whole man. No longer a bunch of parts thrown into a heap and called a man, you are seeing a whole structure."- IPR. Tilt and Shift in both girdles should be addressed. The Rolfing way to deal with decisions for eighth and ninth hours is to look at the obvious. Classically, whatever girdle was worked in eight the other would be worked in nine, so if you work the upper in eight you would bring the structure to its next higher level of order by working and integrating the work from previous hours with eight to strategize for the ninth. In eight you could work iliac crest with Q.L. and twelfth rib to create more length and span there. Work to resolve the lateral line relative to X, y, z working up to armpits and shoulders. Neck work seated back work, and pelvic lifts or pull will end the eighth hour. The goal of the Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth ninth hour would be to Integrate and balance the structure, utilizing all potential left in the lower girdle. Resolution of work at the iliac crest, and Q.L. and the way it transitions down to the calcaneus is necessary. Integrate and feather work at hinges and horizontals from the feet to LDH. Close with some movement for further integration by standing in front and behind client and tracking, holding feet with the toes. Neck work with traction on Occiputs and feather the SCM in front. A pelvic lift is a terrific way to end. Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, or Massage Therapy are not substitutes for an Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Ten Series. John Barton | Certified Advanced Rolfer ® & Rolfing ® Fort Worth-Dallas | Certified Rolf Movement ® Practitioner https://certifiedrolfing.com https://rolfmovement.com https://certifiedrolfing.com/advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas-hspi/ https://certifiedrolfing.com https://rolfmovement.com https://certifiedrolfing.com https://certifiedrolfing.com/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/research-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/service/advanced-rolfing/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/service/rolfing-10-series/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/service/rolf-movement-treatments/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/rolfing-fort-worth-10-series-videos/ https://certifiedrolfing.com https://certifiedrolfing.com/rolfing-fort-worth-testimonials-and-more/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/rolfing-fort-worth-blog/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/rolfing-fort-worth-contact/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/rolfing-fort-worth-faqs-page-answers/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/rolfing-fort-worth-appointment-page/ https://rolfmovement.com https://rolfmovement.com https://rolfmovement.com ttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZCiH_lA5oWe5azlzUSZQXA www.youtube.com/@rolfmovement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN7TkMUpqns https://reviews.birdeye.com/the-certified-rolfing-157252786544304 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZCiH_lA5oWe5azlzUSZQXA www.youtube.com/@rolfmovement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN7TkMUpqns https://reviews.birdeye.com/the-certified-rolfing-157252786544304 https://biosites.com/editor#/rolfmovement https://biosites.com/editor#/AdvancedRolfingFortWorthDallas https://www.yelp.com/biz/john-barton-certified-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth https://sites.google.com/view/rolfing-fort-worth-dallas/about https://www.linkedin.com/company/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://foursquare.com/certifie2223614 http://articleworld.in/author/articles.php?newarticle=true https://patch.com/texas/dallas-ftworth/business/listing/441694/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://www.manta.com/c/m1wl75g/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://www.apsense.com/abc/certifiedrolfing https://www.merchantcircle.com/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas-fort-worth-tx#google_vignette https://directory.company.com/business/view/john-barton-%7C-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://www.ailoq.com/texas/fort-worth/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://www.provenexpert.com/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas/ https://www.storeboard.com/johnbartonadvancedrolfingfortworthdallas https://the-dots.com/pages/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas-687450 https://www.brownbook.net/business/52679303/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas/ https://www.hotfrog.com/company/6849ab2f506a02b0d02c62e7700c672c/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas/fort-worth/alternative-health-care https://www.tupalo.co/fort-worth-texas/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://www.catskill.online/texas/fort-worth/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://www.twidloo.com/usa/texas/fort-worth/76107-3351/health-medical/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://ebusinesspages.com/John-Barton-%7c-Advanced-Rolfing-Fort-Worth-Dallas_enaec.co https://sites.bubblelife.com/community/john_barton_advanced_rolfing_fort_worth_dallas https://www.techdirectory.io/texas/fort-worth/health-beauty/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://www.trepup.com/@certifiedrolfing https://www.callupcontact.com/b/businessprofile/John_Barton%7C_Advanced_Rolfing_Fort_Worth_Dallas/9042658 https://www.startus.cc/company/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://yellow.place/en/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas-fort-worth-tx-usa https://smallbusinessusa.com/listing/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas.html https://www.cybo.com/US-biz/john-barton-%7C-advanced-rolfing-fort https://maps.apple.com/place?q=advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas&ll=32.75281%2C-97.36091&address=601%20University%20Dr%2C%20Fort%20Worth%2C%20TX%20%2076107%2C%20United%20States https://www.bing.com/maps?ss=ypid.YN873x12830939908700991634&cp=32.752813%7E-97.360926&lvl=16.0 https://ezlocal.com/tx/fort-worth/alternative-medicine/0917855278 https://local.us-info.com/USTX102144777-8179802994/certified_advanced_rolfing_fort_worth-fort_worth.html -
The goal of the Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth ninth hour would be to Integrate and balance the structure, utilizing all potential left in the lower girdle. Resolution of work at the greater trochanter, iliac crest, and Q.L. and the way it transitions down to the calcaneus is necessary. Integrate and feather work at hinges and horizontals from the feet to LDH. Close with some movement for further integration by standing in front and behind client and tracking, holding feet with the toes. Neck works with traction on Occiputs and feather the SCM in front. A pelvic lift is a great way to end.
The rib cage is a great place to concentrate any additional time in the closing of the ninth hour. The ribs side bend and rotate with the fascia of the thorax and each segment so the more detailed the work is, the better. It does not take much effort or force to effect change in the inter costalis fascia of the thorax. I prefer to follow the perimeter of the ribcage from the costal arch to the sternal angle of Louis. Advanced Rolfing addresses fascial rotations in the ribs.
Tilt and Shift in both girdles should be addressed for tight fascia. The Rolfing way to deal with decisions for eighth and ninth hours is to look at the obvious. Classically, whatever girdle was worked in eight the other would be worked in nine, so if you work the upper in eight you would bring the structure to its next higher level of order by working and integrating the work from previous hours with eight to strategize for the ninth. In eight you could work iliac crest with Q.L. and twelfth rib to create more length and span there. Work to resolve the lateral line relative to X, y, z working up to armpits and shoulders. Neck work seated back work, and pelvic lifts or pull will end the Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth ninth hour.
Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, or Massage Therapy are not substitutes for an Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Ten Series.
John Barton | Certified Advanced Rolfer ® & Rolfing ® Fort Worth-Dallas |
Certified Rolf Movement ® Practitioner
The goal of the Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth ninth hour would be to Integrate and balance the structure, utilizing all potential left in the lower girdle. Resolution of work at the greater trochanter, iliac crest, and Q.L. and the way it transitions down to the calcaneus is necessary. Integrate and feather work at hinges and horizontals from the feet to LDH. Close with some movement for further integration by standing in front and behind client and tracking, holding feet with the toes. Neck works with traction on Occiputs and feather the SCM in front. A pelvic lift is a great way to end. The rib cage is a great place to concentrate any additional time in the closing of the ninth hour. The ribs side bend and rotate with the fascia of the thorax and each segment so the more detailed the work is, the better. It does not take much effort or force to effect change in the inter costalis fascia of the thorax. I prefer to follow the perimeter of the ribcage from the costal arch to the sternal angle of Louis. Advanced Rolfing addresses fascial rotations in the ribs. Tilt and Shift in both girdles should be addressed for tight fascia. The Rolfing way to deal with decisions for eighth and ninth hours is to look at the obvious. Classically, whatever girdle was worked in eight the other would be worked in nine, so if you work the upper in eight you would bring the structure to its next higher level of order by working and integrating the work from previous hours with eight to strategize for the ninth. In eight you could work iliac crest with Q.L. and twelfth rib to create more length and span there. Work to resolve the lateral line relative to X, y, z working up to armpits and shoulders. Neck work seated back work, and pelvic lifts or pull will end the Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth ninth hour. Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, or Massage Therapy are not substitutes for an Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Ten Series. John Barton | Certified Advanced Rolfer ® & Rolfing ® Fort Worth-Dallas | Certified Rolf Movement ® Practitioner https://certifiedrolfing.com https://rolfmovement.com https://certifiedrolfing.com/advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas-hspi/ https://certifiedrolfing.com https://rolfmovement.com https://certifiedrolfing.com https://certifiedrolfing.com/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/research-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/service/advanced-rolfing/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/service/rolfing-10-series/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/service/rolf-movement-treatments/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/rolfing-fort-worth-10-series-videos/ https://certifiedrolfing.com https://certifiedrolfing.com/rolfing-fort-worth-testimonials-and-more/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/rolfing-fort-worth-blog/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/rolfing-fort-worth-contact/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/rolfing-fort-worth-faqs-page-answers/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/rolfing-fort-worth-appointment-page/ https://rolfmovement.com https://rolfmovement.com https://rolfmovement.com ttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZCiH_lA5oWe5azlzUSZQXA www.youtube.com/@rolfmovement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN7TkMUpqns https://reviews.birdeye.com/the-certified-rolfing-157252786544304 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZCiH_lA5oWe5azlzUSZQXA www.youtube.com/@rolfmovement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN7TkMUpqns https://reviews.birdeye.com/the-certified-rolfing-157252786544304 https://biosites.com/editor#/rolfmovement https://biosites.com/editor#/AdvancedRolfingFortWorthDallas https://www.yelp.com/biz/john-barton-certified-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth https://sites.google.com/view/rolfing-fort-worth-dallas/about https://www.linkedin.com/company/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://foursquare.com/certifie2223614 http://articleworld.in/author/articles.php?newarticle=true https://patch.com/texas/dallas-ftworth/business/listing/441694/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://www.manta.com/c/m1wl75g/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://www.apsense.com/abc/certifiedrolfing https://www.merchantcircle.com/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas-fort-worth-tx#google_vignette https://directory.company.com/business/view/john-barton-%7C-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://www.ailoq.com/texas/fort-worth/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://www.provenexpert.com/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas/ https://www.storeboard.com/johnbartonadvancedrolfingfortworthdallas https://the-dots.com/pages/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas-687450 https://www.brownbook.net/business/52679303/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas/ https://www.hotfrog.com/company/6849ab2f506a02b0d02c62e7700c672c/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas/fort-worth/alternative-health-care https://www.tupalo.co/fort-worth-texas/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://www.catskill.online/texas/fort-worth/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://www.twidloo.com/usa/texas/fort-worth/76107-3351/health-medical/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://ebusinesspages.com/John-Barton-%7c-Advanced-Rolfing-Fort-Worth-Dallas_enaec.co https://sites.bubblelife.com/community/john_barton_advanced_rolfing_fort_worth_dallas https://www.techdirectory.io/texas/fort-worth/health-beauty/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://www.trepup.com/@certifiedrolfing https://www.callupcontact.com/b/businessprofile/John_Barton%7C_Advanced_Rolfing_Fort_Worth_Dallas/9042658 https://www.startus.cc/company/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://yellow.place/en/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas-fort-worth-tx-usa https://smallbusinessusa.com/listing/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas.html https://www.cybo.com/US-biz/john-barton-%7C-advanced-rolfing-fort https://maps.apple.com/place?q=advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas&ll=32.75281%2C-97.36091&address=601%20University%20Dr%2C%20Fort%20Worth%2C%20TX%20%2076107%2C%20United%20States https://www.bing.com/maps?ss=ypid.YN873x12830939908700991634&cp=32.752813%7E-97.360926&lvl=16.0 https://ezlocal.com/tx/fort-worth/alternative-medicine/0917855278 https://local.us-info.com/USTX102144777-8179802994/certified_advanced_rolfing_fort_worth-fort_worth.html -
The Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth tenth session is the opportunity to complete the series of treatments the patient has experienced thus far. No new work is introduced in the tenth hour, only completion of the change in the body. When working with the diverse types of structural dispositions available in our society and the world at large it is important to maintain continuity throughout the Rolfing session work. The basic Certified Rolfing 10 series is not so basic in its application only in its attempt to prepare the body for the necessary advanced components of the Rolfing session work.
When working with functional asymmetric clients or dysfunctional asymmetric clients it is important to understand that extending the Rolfing working to all segments of the body is ideal and a necessary function of what Rolfing is and Myofascial Release and/or other attempts to replicate Certified Rolfing are not accomplishing which is Structural Integration. The head, neck, shoulder girdle, arms, hands, spine, pelvic girdle, legs, feet and numerous other landmarks and structures are all part of the Rolfing session work, are dynamically interrelated and connected, so they must all be addressed in a systematic manner that demands and necessitates integration. It is the application of the combinations of tilt, shift, and rotational techniques with Rolfing that will optimize structural integration and they are all applied with each of the segments of the structure in mind, if not you end up with a client that is no better than or worse off than before the work started.
The shoulders and arms have been briefly discussed before, but I will say that patterns in functional and dysfunctional asymmetric Rolfing clients are mirrored in the opposing side of the opposite girdle. The neck and spine have the potential and predictability to flip patterns in dysfunctional asymmetric patterns so that what was once a Type I segment has now begun to function as a type II and visa-versa. These segments are addressed by initiating Rolfing techniques that reverse and or reduce the direction in an attempt to normalize functions in the spine and neck. Also, the cranial segments have the capacity to shift and rotate depending on the segment, so the integrative approach transitions from the tip of the toes to the top of the head. There are a number of issues that can be addressed by the systematic techniques of Rolfing Fort Worth.
Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, or Massage Therapy are not substitutes for an Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Ten Series.
John Barton | Certified Advanced Rolfer ® & Rolfing ® Fort Worth-Dallas |
Certified Rolf Movement ® Practitioner
https://local.us-info.com/USTX102144777-8179802994/certified_advanced_rolfing_fort_worth-fort_worth.htmlThe Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth tenth session is the opportunity to complete the series of treatments the patient has experienced thus far. No new work is introduced in the tenth hour, only completion of the change in the body. When working with the diverse types of structural dispositions available in our society and the world at large it is important to maintain continuity throughout the Rolfing session work. The basic Certified Rolfing 10 series is not so basic in its application only in its attempt to prepare the body for the necessary advanced components of the Rolfing session work. When working with functional asymmetric clients or dysfunctional asymmetric clients it is important to understand that extending the Rolfing working to all segments of the body is ideal and a necessary function of what Rolfing is and Myofascial Release and/or other attempts to replicate Certified Rolfing are not accomplishing which is Structural Integration. The head, neck, shoulder girdle, arms, hands, spine, pelvic girdle, legs, feet and numerous other landmarks and structures are all part of the Rolfing session work, are dynamically interrelated and connected, so they must all be addressed in a systematic manner that demands and necessitates integration. It is the application of the combinations of tilt, shift, and rotational techniques with Rolfing that will optimize structural integration and they are all applied with each of the segments of the structure in mind, if not you end up with a client that is no better than or worse off than before the work started. The shoulders and arms have been briefly discussed before, but I will say that patterns in functional and dysfunctional asymmetric Rolfing clients are mirrored in the opposing side of the opposite girdle. The neck and spine have the potential and predictability to flip patterns in dysfunctional asymmetric patterns so that what was once a Type I segment has now begun to function as a type II and visa-versa. These segments are addressed by initiating Rolfing techniques that reverse and or reduce the direction in an attempt to normalize functions in the spine and neck. Also, the cranial segments have the capacity to shift and rotate depending on the segment, so the integrative approach transitions from the tip of the toes to the top of the head. There are a number of issues that can be addressed by the systematic techniques of Rolfing Fort Worth. Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, or Massage Therapy are not substitutes for an Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Ten Series. John Barton | Certified Advanced Rolfer ® & Rolfing ® Fort Worth-Dallas | Certified Rolf Movement ® Practitioner https://certifiedrolfing.com https://rolfmovement.com https://certifiedrolfing.com/advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas-hspi/ https://certifiedrolfing.com https://rolfmovement.com https://certifiedrolfing.com https://certifiedrolfing.com/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/research-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/service/advanced-rolfing/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/service/rolfing-10-series/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/service/rolf-movement-treatments/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/rolfing-fort-worth-10-series-videos/ https://certifiedrolfing.com https://certifiedrolfing.com/rolfing-fort-worth-testimonials-and-more/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/rolfing-fort-worth-blog/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/rolfing-fort-worth-contact/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/rolfing-fort-worth-faqs-page-answers/ https://certifiedrolfing.com/rolfing-fort-worth-appointment-page/ https://rolfmovement.com https://rolfmovement.com https://rolfmovement.com ttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZCiH_lA5oWe5azlzUSZQXA www.youtube.com/@rolfmovement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN7TkMUpqns https://reviews.birdeye.com/the-certified-rolfing-157252786544304 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZCiH_lA5oWe5azlzUSZQXA www.youtube.com/@rolfmovement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN7TkMUpqns https://reviews.birdeye.com/the-certified-rolfing-157252786544304 https://biosites.com/editor#/rolfmovement https://biosites.com/editor#/AdvancedRolfingFortWorthDallas https://www.yelp.com/biz/john-barton-certified-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth https://sites.google.com/view/rolfing-fort-worth-dallas/about https://www.linkedin.com/company/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://foursquare.com/certifie2223614 http://articleworld.in/author/articles.php?newarticle=true https://patch.com/texas/dallas-ftworth/business/listing/441694/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://www.manta.com/c/m1wl75g/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://www.apsense.com/abc/certifiedrolfing https://www.merchantcircle.com/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas-fort-worth-tx#google_vignette https://directory.company.com/business/view/john-barton-%7C-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://www.ailoq.com/texas/fort-worth/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://www.provenexpert.com/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas/ https://www.storeboard.com/johnbartonadvancedrolfingfortworthdallas https://the-dots.com/pages/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas-687450 https://www.brownbook.net/business/52679303/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas/ https://www.hotfrog.com/company/6849ab2f506a02b0d02c62e7700c672c/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas/fort-worth/alternative-health-care https://www.tupalo.co/fort-worth-texas/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://www.catskill.online/texas/fort-worth/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://www.twidloo.com/usa/texas/fort-worth/76107-3351/health-medical/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://ebusinesspages.com/John-Barton-%7c-Advanced-Rolfing-Fort-Worth-Dallas_enaec.co https://sites.bubblelife.com/community/john_barton_advanced_rolfing_fort_worth_dallas https://www.techdirectory.io/texas/fort-worth/health-beauty/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://www.trepup.com/@certifiedrolfing https://www.callupcontact.com/b/businessprofile/John_Barton%7C_Advanced_Rolfing_Fort_Worth_Dallas/9042658 https://www.startus.cc/company/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas https://yellow.place/en/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas-fort-worth-tx-usa https://smallbusinessusa.com/listing/john-barton-advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas.html https://www.cybo.com/US-biz/john-barton-%7C-advanced-rolfing-fort https://maps.apple.com/place?q=advanced-rolfing-fort-worth-dallas&ll=32.75281%2C-97.36091&address=601%20University%20Dr%2C%20Fort%20Worth%2C%20TX%20%2076107%2C%20United%20States https://www.bing.com/maps?ss=ypid.YN873x12830939908700991634&cp=32.752813%7E-97.360926&lvl=16.0 https://ezlocal.com/tx/fort-worth/alternative-medicine/0917855278 https://local.us-info.com/USTX102144777-8179802994/certified_advanced_rolfing_fort_worth-fort_worth.html -
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